
Business Acumen for Project Management

The Project Management Institute (PMI)® designed the PMI Talent Triangle® to include “business acumen” as one of three pillars to earn Professional Development Unit (PDU) credits towards PMI certifications. On this page: Earn PDUs for Business Acumen Skills PMI Talent Triangle: Business Acumen How

Pick Your Battles Wisely

Conflict exists.  It is a natural part of being human.  It occurs at home and at work. We disagree.  We have different perspectives and opinions.  We get upset by things that were said, or not said.  These events arouse our emotions.  We become angry or afraid.   read more

Gantt 101: Building a Better Project Schedule

The Gantt Chart is the most widely used project scheduling tool.  It visually depicts the project’s activities, when they will occur, and their interdependencies.  When used correctly, it is powerful.  Unfortunately, most Gantts are poorly constructed, stripping them of their value.     read more