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4 Key Principles to Best Prepare for the 4th Industrial Revolution

Are you ready for the 4th Industrial Revolution? The 4th Industrial Revolution is going to bring exponential changes to the way we live, work and relate to one another due to the adoption of new smart technologies. Imagine the connected machines that interact, visualize the entire production chain and construction process, communicate data in real-time,

Big Data and Its Impacts on the Future of Cost Estimating

We have all probably heard the term “big data,” another term that can be many things to many different people. But what is BIG DATA and what’s its impact on the future of cost estimating? Larry Dysert, the Cost Estimating thought leader has opened up the concept of Big Data and how it will impact

Get Started in Power BI- The Power BI Starter Guide

How do you get started in Power BI? Before diving into the content and providing you the Power BI starter guide, let’s have the same understanding of what Power BI is all about.    What is the Power BI? Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft that puts visual analytics at your fingertips.