
RRM Archive

Project Decision-Making

Making good decisions is a critical project management skill.  The challenge is to create a fair, efficient, effective, and transparent process for our teams and stakeholders.  In a McKinsey survey, only 20% of respondents stated their companies excelled in decision-making. read more

Shift-Left, Shift-Right, Keep Middle

Shift-left is an Agile/DevOps call to action.  It signaled the need to address quality sooner.  As we adapt to the current dynamics, we should challenge standard paradigms and reevaluate when to execute project processes. read more

Effective Time Management for Project Teams

“Time is the scarcest resource, and unless it is managed, nothing else can be managed.”  Peter Drucker  Time is our only finite resource.  We cannot buy it or create it.  Therefore, we must spend it wisely.  Effective time management is a critical project management competency.  Regrettably, many teams lack these skills or discipline and consequently fritter away their time.